1 | <uniprot xmlns="http://uniprot.org/uniprot"
2 | xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
3 | xsi:schemaLocation="http://uniprot.org/uniprot http://www.uniprot.org/support/docs/uniprot.xsd">
4 | <entry version="60" modified="2007-12-04" dataset="Swiss-Prot" created="2002-10-19">
5 | <accession>Q43385</accession>
6 | <accession>Q8GYW3</accession>
7 | <accession>Q9SAF9</accession>
8 | <name>DOF37_ARATH</name>
9 | <protein>
10 | <name>Dof zinc finger protein DOF3.7</name>
11 | <name>AtDOF3.7</name>
12 | <name>Dof affecting germination 1</name>
13 | <name>Transcription factor BBFa</name>
14 | <name>AtBBFa</name>
15 | <name>RolB domain B factor a</name>
16 | </protein>
17 | <gene>
18 | <name type="primary">DOF3.7</name>
19 | <name type="synonym">BBFA</name>
20 | <name type="synonym">DAG1</name>
21 | <name type="ordered locus">At3g61850</name>
22 | <name type="ORF">F21F14.20</name>
23 | </gene>
24 | <organism key="1">
25 | <name type="scientific">Arabidopsis thaliana</name>
26 | <name type="common">Mouse-ear cress</name>
27 | <dbReference type="NCBI Taxonomy" key="2" id="3702"/>
28 | <lineage>
29 | <taxon>Eukaryota</taxon>
30 | <taxon>Viridiplantae</taxon>
31 | <taxon>Streptophyta</taxon>
32 | <taxon>Embryophyta</taxon>
33 | <taxon>Tracheophyta</taxon>
34 | <taxon>Spermatophyta</taxon>
35 | <taxon>Magnoliophyta</taxon>
36 | <taxon>eudicotyledons</taxon>
37 | <taxon>core eudicotyledons</taxon>
38 | <taxon>rosids</taxon>
39 | <taxon>eurosids II</taxon>
40 | <taxon>Brassicales</taxon>
41 | <taxon>Brassicaceae</taxon>
42 | <taxon>Arabidopsis</taxon>
43 | </lineage>
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296 | <scope>GENE FAMILY</scope>
297 | <scope>NOMENCLATURE</scope>
298 | </reference>
299 | <comment type="function">
300 | <text>Transcription factor specifically involved in the maternal control of seed germination. Regulates transcription by binding to a 5'-AA[AG]G-3' consensus core sequence. May ensure the inactivity of a component that would be activated to trigger germination as a consequence of red light perception.</text>
301 | </comment>
302 | <comment type="subcellular location" status="Probable">
303 | <text>Nucleus.</text>
304 | </comment>
305 | <comment type="alternative products">
306 | <event type="alternative splicing"/>
307 | <isoform>
308 | <id>Q43385-1</id>
309 | <name>1</name>
310 | <sequence type="displayed"/>
311 |
312 | </isoform>
313 | <isoform>
314 | <id>Q43385-2</id>
315 | <name>2</name>
316 | <sequence type="described" ref="VSP_008898"/>
317 |
318 | <note>No experimental confirmation available</note>
319 | </isoform>
320 | </comment>
321 | <comment type="tissue specificity">
322 | <text>Expressed in the phloem of the mother plant, including in roots, stem, leaves and flowers, but not present in the seed and embryo. In maturing siliques, found all through the funiculus connecting the placenta to the ovule, but not in the ovule.</text>
323 | </comment>
324 | <comment type="developmental stage">
325 | <text>Turned off in siliques when they reached full maturation. Not expressed in developing or mature embryos.</text>
326 | </comment>
327 | <comment type="miscellaneous">
328 | <text>The regulatory role of DOF3.7/DAG1 appears to be opposite to that of DOF2.5/DAG2. Both zinc finger proteins may act on a maternal switch that controls seed germination, possibly by regulating the same gene(s).</text>
329 | </comment>
330 | <comment type="similarity">
331 | <text>Contains 1 Dof-type zinc finger.</text>
332 | </comment>
333 | <dbReference type="EMBL" key="25" id="X97941">
334 | <property value="CAA66600.2" type="protein sequence ID"/>
335 | <property value="mRNA" type="molecule type"/>
336 | </dbReference>
337 | <dbReference type="EMBL" key="26" id="AJ224122">
338 | <property value="CAB40190.1" type="protein sequence ID"/>
339 | <property value="Genomic_DNA" type="molecule type"/>
340 | </dbReference>
341 | <dbReference type="EMBL" key="27" id="AL138642">
342 | <property value="CAB71892.1" type="protein sequence ID"/>
343 | <property value="Genomic_DNA" type="molecule type"/>
344 | </dbReference>
345 | <dbReference type="EMBL" key="28" id="AK117352">
346 | <property value="BAC42022.1" type="protein sequence ID"/>
347 | <property value="mRNA" type="molecule type"/>
348 | </dbReference>
349 | <dbReference type="PIR" key="29" id="T47977">
350 | <property value="T47977" type="entry name"/>
351 | </dbReference>
352 | <dbReference type="RefSeq" key="30" id=" NP_191744.1"/>
353 | <dbReference type="UniGene" key="31" id="At.989"/>
354 | <dbReference type="TRANSFAC" key="32" id="T02699"/>
355 | <dbReference type="GeneId" key="33" id=" 825358"/>
356 | <dbReference type="GenomeReviews" key="34" id="BA000014_GR">
357 | <property value="AT3G61850" type="gene designation"/>
358 | </dbReference>
359 | <dbReference type="KEGG" key="35" id="ath:AT3G61850"/>
360 | <dbReference type="GeneFarm" key="36" id="4410">
361 | <property value="446" type="family number"/>
362 | </dbReference>
363 | <dbReference type="TAIR" key="37" id="At3g61850"/>
364 | <dbReference type="ArrayExpress" key="38" id="Q43385"/>
365 | <dbReference type="GermOnline" key="39" id="AT3G61850">
366 | <property value="Arabidopsis thaliana" type="organism name"/>
367 | </dbReference>
368 | <dbReference type="InterPro" key="40" id="IPR003851">
369 | <property value="Znf_Dof" type="entry name"/>
370 | </dbReference>
371 | <dbReference type="Pfam" key="41" id="PF02701">
372 | <property value="zf-Dof" type="entry name"/>
373 | <property value="1" type="match status"/>
374 | </dbReference>
375 | <dbReference type="PROSITE" key="42" id="PS01361">
376 | <property value="ZF_DOF_1" type="entry name"/>
377 | <property value="1" type="match status"/>
378 | </dbReference>
379 | <dbReference type="PROSITE" key="43" id="PS50884">
380 | <property value="ZF_DOF_2" type="entry name"/>
381 | <property value="1" type="match status"/>
382 | </dbReference>
383 | <proteinExistence type="Evidence at protein level"/>
384 | <keyword id="KW-0025">Alternative splicing</keyword>
385 | <keyword id="KW-0181">Complete proteome</keyword>
386 | <keyword id="KW-0238">DNA-binding</keyword>
387 | <keyword id="KW-0309">Germination</keyword>
388 | <keyword id="KW-0479">Metal-binding</keyword>
389 | <keyword id="KW-0539">Nucleus</keyword>
390 | <keyword id="KW-0804">Transcription</keyword>
391 | <keyword id="KW-0805">Transcription regulation</keyword>
392 | <keyword id="KW-0862">Zinc</keyword>
393 | <keyword id="KW-0863">Zinc-finger</keyword>
394 | <feature type="chain" id="PRO_0000074283" description="Dof zinc finger protein DOF3.7">
395 | <location>
396 | <begin position="1"/>
397 | <end position="296"/>
398 | </location>
399 | </feature>
400 | <feature type="zinc finger region" description="Dof-type">
401 | <location>
402 | <begin position="74"/>
403 | <end position="128"/>
404 | </location>
405 | </feature>
406 | <feature type="compositionally biased region" description="Poly-His">
407 | <location>
408 | <begin position="173"/>
409 | <end position="176"/>
410 | </location>
411 | </feature>
412 | <feature type="splice variant" id="VSP_008898" description="(in isoform 2)">
413 | <location>
414 | <begin position="1"/>
415 | <end position="12"/>
416 | </location>
417 | </feature>
418 | <sequence version="2" modified="2001-06-01" mass="32966" length="296" checksum="0D733352776272EB">
420 | </sequence>
421 | </entry>
422 | <copyright>Copyrighted by the UniProt Consortium, see |
423 | http://www.uniprot.org/terms. |
424 | Distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs License. |
425 | </copyright>
426 | </uniprot>