= Description of services = * DDBJ * PDBj * KEGG * CBRC = DDBJ = http://www.xml.nig.ac.jp/index.html * data retrieve * sequence search and analysis * derived DBs * other DBs = PDBj = = KEGG = http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html = first concentrate on sequence + alignment = = functional annotations = a given structure with unknown function -> BLAST at DDBJ / KEGG -> no homologs then -> struct-navi * accession number -> fasta * PDB ID <-> KEGG GENES ID ''get_linkdb_between_databases(string:from_db, string:to_db, int:offset, int:limit)'' * PDB ID <-> DDDBJ ID = proposed workflow(s) = functional (or structural) annotation of a protein sequence. Let's call this "funcanot" workflow. let hits = BLAST_DAD(fasta): @DDBJ if func_known(hits) then send_to_KEGG( hits ) ;; annotation obtained from KEGG else let new_hits = BLAST_PDBj(fasta): @DDBJ if exists(new_hits) then foreach hit in new_hits do let shits = struct_navi(hit) :@PDBj if exists(shits) then send_to_KEGG( shits );; annotation obtained from KEGG done ||input|| amino acid sequence with unknown function|| ||output||functionally annotated homologs|| = SOAP vs. REST = * SOAP isn't good at huge data (e.g., big XML file) <-> No problem with REST. * REST requires more coding on the client side. User must handle output data (XML or flat text...) <-> SOAP can give you the object right away. * REST cannot do complicated stuffs? * No language supports the full SOAP spec. * Only a few languages have SOAP libraries. = Prototyping funcanot = finally got to real work.... (14:00; 2008-02-12) Prototyping using Taverna. * Taverna can be used with REST-based WS? -> YES!