Version 9 (modified by ktym, 17 years ago) |
List of Web Service Hackathon attendees
- Organizers
- Web service providers
- Hideaki Sugawara ( DDBJ, Japan; DDBJ XML)
- Yasumasa Shigemoto (DDBJ, Japan; DDBJ XML)
- Alberto Labarga (Integromics, Spain; ex-EBI)
- Matthew Pocock (Newcastle, UK; Taverna, BioJava)
- Sophia Ananiadou (Manchester, UK; Text mining)
- Shuichi Kawashima (Univ of Tokyo, Japan; KEGG API)
- Tatsuya Nishizawa (IMS/DBCLS/CBRC, Japan; PDBj)
- Hiroyuki Sato (IMS/DBCLS/CBRC, Japan)
- Oto Maekawa (IMS/DBCLS/CBRC, Japan)
- Open Bio* developers
- BioRuby
- Mitsuteru Nakao (Kazusa DNA Res, Japan; BioRuby)
- Naohisa Goto (Osaka Univ, Japan; BioRuby)
- Jan Aerts (BBSRC, UK; BioRuby)
- BioRuby
- Workflow client developers
- Tom Oinn (EBI, UK; Taverna/myGrid)
- Kazuharu Arakawa (Keio Univ, Japan; E-Cell, G-language)
- BioMOBY project
- Mark Wilkinson ( Univ of British Columbia, Canada; BioMOBY)
- Martin Senger (BioPerl, BioMOBY - CGIAR Generation Challenge Project)
- Edward Kawas (the lead BioMOBY developer in Mark's lab)
- Paul Gordon (the lead BioMOBY developer in the SUN Centre of Excellence for the Genome Canada Bioinformatics Platform)
- Andreas Groscurth (the lead BioMOBY developer at the Max Planck Institute in Germany for the European Tomato Project)
- Romina Royo (one of the lead BioMOBY developers for the Genome Espania Bioinformatics Platform)
- Pieter Neerincx (the lead BioMOBY developer in the Netherlands)
To be confirmed
- Web service providers
- Keiichiro Ohno (UCSD, US; Cytoscape)
- Masayuki Kawashima (FQS, Japan; KEGG)
- Akira Kinjo (Osaka Univ, Japan; PDBj)
- Osvaldo Trelles (INB, Spain; MOWServ)
- Richard Cote (EBI, UK; PICR and OLS web services)
- Teresa Miyar (EBI, UK; EBI web services - Blast, InterproScan, Dbfetch, EB-Eye, IPRservice, ELM/CS, etc.)
- Arnaud Kerhornou (EBI, UK; ex-INB, IMIM)
- Jan Christian Bryne (Computational Biology Unit, Bergen; EMBRACE)
- Robert D. Finn (Sanger Institute; PFAM)
- Evangelos Pafilis (European Molecular Biology Laboratory; SRS web services)
- Open Bio* developers
- BioPerl
- Lincoln Stein (BioPerl, BioMOBY, BioDAS)
- Jason Stajich (BioPerl)
- Heikki Lehvaslaiho (BioPerl)
- Hilmar Lapp (BioPerl)
- Aaron J Mackey (BioPerl)
- Ewan Birney (BioPerl, Ensembl)
- Chiris Dagdigian (O|B|F)
- BioPython
- Andrew Dalke (BioPython)
- Michael de Hoon (BioPython)
- BioRuby
- Christian Zmasek (BioRuby)
- Alex Gutteridge (BioRuby)
- Pjotr Prins (BioRuby)
- Andreas Biegert (Max-Planck-Institute; MPI toolkit)
- BioPerl
and more...
If you could recommend any appropriate persons from the following groups, please let me know:
- NCBI web service developers
- BioPerl, BioPython, and BioJava developers