Version 9 (modified by kibukawa, 17 years ago)


BioHackathon 2008 presentations

List of proposed agenda

  • Objectives of this hackathon and current status of Japanese web services - Toshiaki Katayama
  • From Web API for Biology (WABI) to Semantic Web API for Biology (SABI) - Hideaki Sugawara
  • Current status of the BioMOBY project and vision for the future directions - Mark Wilkinson
  • Moby, Legacy Apps and the Semantic Web - Paul Gordon
  • Data, Services and Computational Resources Integration at the INB - Oswaldo Trelles
  • The EMBRACE project and WS-I standard - Jan Christian Bryne
  • Soaplab2 project to wrap up command line packages - Martin Senger
  • Taverna (part of myGrid project) - Tom Oinn
  • Generation Challenge Program effort at building interoperability - Richard Bruskiewich
