Version 7 (modified by hlapp, 17 years ago)


At present there is no standard web-service API for phylogenetic data that would allow integration of phylogenetic data and service providers into the programmable web. Hence, current approaches to integrate data and services into workflows are highly specific to the integration platform (CIPRES, Bioperl, Bio::Phylo, Kepler), and nearly unusable in other environments.

Here are several ideas for tasks we can work on at the hackathon:

  • Defining scope
    • Issue of identifiers and OTUs
  • Accumulating use-cases
    • OTU-oriented queries:
      • Need ability to obtain sequence(s) and taxon (taxa) for a leaf (or generally, a node)
      • Finding trees by sequence (rather than the OTU name)
  • Formulating a task-oriented API requirements description
  • Proposing a concrete REST or SOAP-based API
  • Propose input/output formats
  • Start a reference implementation, for example based on data in BioSQL

Gathering of use-cases and task-oriented requirements has started at

The Open Space discussion centered on the following issues:

  • The OTU (Operational Taxonomic Unit) perspective is an important use-case.
    • Gene tree analysis: similar to the Zmasek et al (2007) paper, one may want to build alignments and phylogenetic trees for all ortholog families of a gene family, or a pathway. After loading the trees into a database, one could then query the database for those gene trees that support a certain species phylogeny, for example the Ecdysizoan hypothesis.
      • Problem: the query topology will be given with either gene name labels, or species name labels, but the labels of the trees will be OTUs.
      • Hence, each OTU needs to be linked to the gene name(s) and taxon names, and it needs to be possible to specify that matching tree nodes use the linked taxon or gene names.
    • In molecular and comparative genomics applications, one may want to find all trees that have been built for a certain sequence.
      • Problem: As above, querying by sequence will give the gene name or the sequence accession number to match by, but tree nodes will have OTUs as labels.
  • We discussed whether we need identifiers for OTUs.
    • Pros: Rather than many individual idiosyncratic schemes for encoding sequence ID and taxon (and possibly additional information) into an OTU label, a single identifier could be resolved to the metadata using a common mechanism (such as LSID). Alternatively, one could standardize on a common encoding mechanism, that could then be parsed by a common mechanism.
    • Cons: If using an (presumably opaque) identifier for OTUs, one ought to be able to expect that the same combination of sequence ID, taxon name (where one often implies the other, unless sequence ID is really an ambiguous gene name), and additional metadata (such as allele, population sample, etc) results in the same identifier, in essence necessitating an OTU identifier registry, or a common algorithm for constructing the identifier (which would then no longer be opaque). A standardized encoding mechanism would need to be widely supported and adopted.
