= Service provider Workgroup = Here, we gather the major web service providers including BioMOBY projects and Japanese providers such as DDBJ, KEGG, PDBj, CBRC and other foreign providers like EBI and NCBI. * Discuss current problems existing in each services: * Language dependencies * Naming conventions * Returned data type * Returned data size * Job managements * WSDL syntax violations * Timeouts * Sync and async * MIME attachments * Not implemented yet * How to integrate non-MOBY web service providers? * What kind of effort is needed to compromise with BioMOBY framework? * How to improve interoperability among the services? * Do you need proxy server to translate objects among services? * Object identity matching problem (LSID, BioMOBY) * How to treat the needs for the REST services? * PDBj's REST API (prototype): http://doc.pdbj.org/help.cgi?REST%20API * DDBJ's REST API: http://www.xml.nig.ac.jp/tutorial/rest/index.html * EBI's REST API http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/tutorials/rest